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Apr 25, 2023

On this episode, Brad and Eric talk about what armies are better suited for the Competitive, the Creative and the Unga Bunga types of player. Sometimes you wake up and choose violence. Sometimes you wake up and choose coffee au latte. Whichever is your mood for the day, the boys can help you decide which of the...

Apr 18, 2023

On this episode of Solely Singleton, Brad and Eric are joined by the one and only Spootyone for hot takes! March of the Machine gives us a new card type: Battles! What do the hosts think of this new card type? Are they going to play well in cube? Tune in to find out!


Spooty’s Twitch Channel:

Apr 18, 2023

On this episode, Brad and Eric walk down memory lane to visit all of the “fun” moments the 9th edition codices have brought us.  From unintentional F1 racing lists to insanely spicy squirt guns we’ve seen it all this edition.  Surely 10th Edition will be without any balance issues and this episode won’t have a...

Apr 10, 2023

On this episode, Brad and Eric go through all the Combat Patrol and Boarding Patrol discount boxes and compare their real value to build an army, so you can make an informed decision when deciding to start a new Warhammer 40k army (assuming you are better than Brad and have a little bit of self control, of course).


Apr 4, 2023

On this episode of Solely Singleton, Brad and Eric unfortunately lived long enough for Wizards to finish a cycle started almost 10 years ago. The spoiler season for March of the Machines is currently underway and the final sword in the “Sword of X and Y” cycle has been spoiled. This now begs some questions, Which...