Dec 21, 2021
In this episode Brad interviews Eric on his process and approach to painting his first model! This model was part of the “Spiteful Idiot'' reward tier that the hosts never expected someone to collect on. As it turns out, some people just want to see Eric try his hand at painting a model. Check out the show notes to...
Dec 14, 2021
Dec 7, 2021
On this episode of Solely Singleton, Brad and Eric are contractually obligated by their patrons to discuss the over-saturation of black two-mana removal spells. Or to put it in layman’s terms, the patron-decided episode is a Top X list of 1B removal instants. If you are still running Boomer Blade in your cube, this...
Dec 7, 2021
In this episode Brad and Eric break down the changes to the primary and secondary scoring for the 2022 Matched Play rules. What are the winners, what are the losers, and why are Lictors back on the shelf? Find out on this week’s episode.
- Intro
01:05 - 2022 Matched Play Changes
31:50 - Outro